Android & smart phone

Let's talk about Android.
Before this job, I know very little about Android
But, I am with Android five days a week now

The first version I touch is 1.6, Donut
And before this is 1.5, cupcake
The most popular one is 2.0 & 2.1, Eclair

All the name are from type of snack
I don't why 2.1 didn't have another name different to 2.0

All the smart phone development company focus on the newest version
But the transformation is too fast to follow
We could also find 1.6 in the new devices

Let's go deeper into Android
Android is based on Linux kernel
On the top of Android is constructed by JAVA, a whole new JAVA from Android here

between JAVA and Linux kernel, here is framework of Android
One special mechanism is Binder, that is used to bind kernel and framework
Also, it support AP level to communicate with kernel through framework level

All the job that I own are in Linux kernel level now
People having smartphone will not touch the kernel, only the application
However, the base is the most important part!
If there is any unstable point in kernel, there will be big disaster